During the course of Illustration at On|OffLine School SKVOT there was a competition between students. The main task was to create characters Easy Sis and Easy Bro and based on those characters create a sticker pack for Creative Agency Linza for use in Telegram messenger.
During the course of Illustration at On|OffLine School SKVOT there was a competition between students. The main task was to create characters Easy Sis and Easy Bro and based on those characters create a sticker pack for Creative Agency Linza for use in Telegram messenger.

The Short Video presentation of the creative process

Firstly, there were lots of drafts and reserch. Main traits of the character should be Sympathetic, Creative, Attentive, Sensitive, Positive, Stylish, Light, Energetic. And the first idea was to make them as a cartoon style dogs. 
But later I gave up this idea, because there was something more interesting that I found in the Agency's identity.
Also, during this process I was looking for the references in Pop Culture and Art to make them more responding for users.

The idea was so easy that I almost gave up it, but I decided to give it a try and just play around those elements. 
As a result I've got this absolutaly new characters; they were neather animals, neather any people. And I liked that.
After the Character were created I've started to work on the Sticker Pack. 
We had to come up with ideas for the messages ourselves. And mosty I was playing arroud word play and common phrases in Ukrainian slang.

As a supporting additional element I've created the font which is suitable for the style of the stickers.

One of the fun part of working on this project was creating mockups and visualizing, how characters and stickers can work somewhere else besides the Telegram messenger.

Of course there were be mockups for the branded shopper and printed stickers for the laptop.

But over all my favourite decision was to let Characters of Easy Sis and Easy Bro to go further than online or printed shape. And I thought it would be great to make them as souvenir toys. Soft, cute, chearing, comforting and fun.
And that's how I visualized how clients would be happy to receive such a toy as a gift! And I would be happy to own such a toy too!

All the ideas presented by other students were interesting, creative and unique.
But after all it was so delightful to find out that my vision of Easy Sis and Easy Bro got most of appreciation and was chosen for use by real client.
I really appreciate this choice. And happy that I gave this idea a chance to exist and grow to something more than the primary task.

Thank for your time and for watching. 
Hope you enjoyed this process same as I did!​​​​​​​
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